Whole Child Development for Displaced Learners: Roundtables
19:00 to 20:00 CET - Exploring Effective Advocacy Across the Education Ecosystem - What Works Best for Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)?
Our advocacy session will explore the question, "what does effective advocacy look like", by examining how advocacy efforts materialize across different levels of the education ecosystem. This will enable us to consider both, challenges and effective practices, when conducting advocacy on SEL from perspectives of ministry officials, donors, NGO staff, school officials, teachers and parents/caregivers. The presentation portion of our session will be conducted as an interview of various stakeholders (i.e. donor, NGO/government partner, school official, teacher, parent) with our Ministry of Education official. The discussion portion of our session will then divide participants into smaller groups, based on roles included in the interview. The smaller groups will be tasked with discussing challenges with SEL advocacy and also share promising practices to describe 'what works' for effective SEL advocacy, based on their group's perspective.
Click for more information or register this session here

Whole Child Development for Displaced Learners: Roundtables
17:00 to 18:30 CET - Whole Child Development: Deciding What Works and Why
What works in terms of promoting whole child development in one context and for one group of children may not be effective elsewhere or with a different group. This session asks participants to consider what are the important factors when it comes to deciding what works? Through a series of question prompts, participants will be asked to reflect on sources of evidence that are relevant, meaningful, and useful; mechanisms for localizing resources; and how systems determine needs. As these discussions are likely to throw up common challenges, participants will be further asked to reflect their particular role in disrupting the status quo when it comes to the usual 'pitfalls'. This is an opportunity to listen to a diversity of actors within the education ecosystem and take these discussions out of this session and into our work.
Click for more information or register for this session here

Whole Child Development for Displaced Learners: Roundtables
15:00 to 16:00 CET - Whole Child Development: Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder engagement is at the core of all programs and initiatives that are working with displaced learners and include the individual, their family, the community, civil society, and all levels of government in a balanced nature. In all cases, there should be the application of inclusiveness, cultural language and ethnic identity to address the whole child. If appropriate for sustainability, there should be effective monitoring and assessment. In order to address stakeholder engagement and resulting implementation, the approach should be global in nature and tailored to meet requirements at the local level. We offer the following questions to address the best approach to create an all-encompassing strategy: 1.) What is your role as a stakeholder? 2.) What are the guiding principles that stakeholders should follow (tools) 3.) In your experience, what has been hard to achieve (the obstacles, challenges?) 4.) What are the responsibilities to be an effective stakeholder (priorities. access, political will?)
Click for more information or register for this session here

Inaugural Teacher Wellbeing Research Report Launch
To optimally teach children, we need teachers with strong wellbeing.
Join us for the virtual launch of our extensive report on teacher wellbeing — the factors that influence it, ranging from intervention strategies to actions on an individual scale.
The Teacher Wellbeing Report: Findings from a Scoping Literature Review is the first to be completed in Cambodia, Kenya & Qatar on this topic. During the session, we will explore the ways in which we each can play a more active role in supporting the crucial work of teachers worldwide.
Register here

Whole Child Development for Displaced Learners: Roundtables
13:00 to 14:30 CET - Assessment of Whole Child Development: Challenges and Solutions
In this session different stakeholders will share examples of how they are assessing Whole Child Development. They will explore challenges and solutions: What types of data are they collecting? What tools are they using? what are the gaps? Lessons learned? How do we ensure that we move beyond a sectoral focus.
Click for more information or register: here

SEL Leadership Series: OECD Survey of Social and Emotional Skills - the findings on gender
In this second of a three-part series, we will be exploring the findings on the intersect between social and emotional skills and gender.
Join Dominic Regester (Program Director, Salzburg Global Seminar; Austria) as well as country panelists Erin Baumgartner (Associate Director, Research and Relations, Houston Independent School District, USA) and Santiago Isaza Arango (Director of Education, Fundación Luker; Colombia). Registrants are welcome to engage with these leaders through the chat.
Click for more information or register: here

Contributive Learning: How We Add to the World
We experience the greatest sense of meaning and fulfilment when we’re able to contribute to people’s lives and the world. We contribute to the greatest extent when we know who we are, feel connected, and pair knowledge with competency. What would it look like, across school systems globally, if all students learned how to add to the world?
Click for more information or register: here

SEL and Early Years
Early childhood development is a determining influence on a wide range of subsequent life chances and health outcomes. The introduction of social and emotional learning approaches into early childhood development can have really significant, long term value. Please join Dr Jean Clinton, Carlota Nelson, Daniela Labra Cardero and Leslee Udwin for an interactive discussion about SEL and Early Years. The conversation will make reference to Carlota's documentary Brain Matters, which is available to watch on YouTube here
Click for more information or register: here